Feb 19
Feb 19-20 10AM to 10 AM EST
In Collaboration with VELA Educational Fund
Admission Free
No Experience Required
Computer Required
Middle and High School Girls
(Preference given to – African American and Latino Girls)
Registration Closes - Feb 1
StarHacks has created an all girls online hackathon.
Eligibility: 6th - 12th Grade
How do you hit that moment of entrepreneurial genius? The mentors will walk you through the principles of Ikigai and idea generation.
Cybersecurity Workshops
Learn how computer systems are protected and how flaws and breaches are found with strategies like forensics and cryptography.
Each team consisting of 4 participants will be assigned professional mentors as necessary who will guide the teams to create and pitch their hacks.
No experience? No problem! At StarHacks, we'll be hosting multiple workshops for: